These unique Spanish-style flats are located within the characteristically small Catalonian village of Riba Roja d'Ebre which is nestled within the foothills of the Catalonian mountain range and cradled within a meandering arch of the River Ebro.
Full of History and local lore and legends, Riba Roja D'Ebre has a rich and colourful past worth exploring during your stay.

These apartments have seperate bedrooms and a fold-out futon sofa able to sleep 3-4 guests each or 6 guests in total as well as a fully equipt kitchen, bathroom/shower facilities and relaxing sitting room for 50 eu. per night/per flat.
Your stay will find you within walking distance of several shops, bars, and restaurants as well as many historical sites and spectacular scenic vistas.
Our quaint village is very clean and you will find it to be one of the friendliest places you will ever encounter. ​
